The mechanics of League of War: Mercenaries are what defines gameplay and what happens during the player's experience. Knowing the mechanics can lead to better and more comprehensive gameplay. This page serves as a summary of various important things that players should know in order to grow their base.
Units are the most important part of the game. They are various types of fighters always ready for combat, residing in the hangar when not in use.
Main article: Units
Stats make up each individual unit that determines how powerful it is in battle. The player can check the stats of a unit in the hangar or in the officer's club when previewing units in a chest.
- ATK - The average offensive capabilities of the unit.
- DEF - How much damage the unit can take relative to other units. This number is not the actual health of the unit, but is directly related to it. That is, higher defense means higher max health.
- Cost (indicated by a yellow triangle) - How much deploy points the player needs to save up in order to deploy the unit.
- VS [unit type] - How much additional damage the unit does towards a certain unit type, determined by Manufacturer.
- Recharge - Time in between successive deploys while the unit "cools down".
- Range - How far the unit can shoot.
- Damage - How much damage the unit does in a single attack.
- Fire rate - How fast the unit fires.
- Speed - How fast the unit moves.
Main article: Unit Types
Units are categorized by what type they are. There are 5 distinct unit types, each with their own characteristics.
- Infantry - Weak on their own but usually cheap and easy to deploy.
- Recon - Fast moving vehicles with high damage and average defense.
- Tank - Can take large amounts of damage and keep moving but deals low damage and has high deploy costs.
- Artillery - Longer range than most units with high damage per shot but has high deploy costs and slow fire rates. Currently not restricted by any type of extreme weather.
- Air - Flying aircraft that have various different styles making them similar to either recon, tanks, or even both.
Main article: Unit Manufacturer
Also referred to as the color or faction of a unit, all units come from a certain manufacturer that allows them to gain a boost in damage when attacking a certain unit type. A unit's manufacturer is easily identified by the color scheme of the unit.
- Redpoint - Counters infantry.
- Greenbrake - Counters recon.
- Bluesteel - Counters tanks.
- Goldfire - Counters artillery.
- Whitehawk - Counters air.
Upgrading units[]
Main article: Hangar
A unit can be upgraded using scrap and cash, increasing its stats and improving its performance in battle. All units have a level cap that prevents the unit from being upgraded further. The cap is dependent on the unit's current rank. As the unit is upgraded, more scrap is needed every time based on a linear scale. The scale is dependent on the current rank of the unit being upgraded.
Main article: Hangar
When a unit has reached its level cap, it becomes eligible for a promotion. Promoting a unit increases its current rank by 1 and resets the unit back to level 1. A new tech slot or ability unlocks after promoting a unit. When promoting a unit, a certain number of units of a certain rank must be sacrificed, depending on the current rank of the unit being promoted. The sacrificed units must have a current rank matching the unit being promoted and the player needs the same amount of sacrifice units as the number of stars the unit being promoted currently has. Any applicable rank medals will be used automatically.
Main article: Units
A unit has two types of rank. A unit's current rank is represented by stars usually found floating above it. A unit's natural rank is how many stars it starts off with and is represented by the strip of color usually found behind the stars. A unit with a higher current rank has access to more tech slots and abilities. Units with a higher natural rank are rarer and usually have better stats than units with a lower natural rank promoted to the same number of stars.
Main article: Units
The squad is the 4 units the player currently has lined up for battle. If the player taps the battle button, those four units will be what the player can use during the battle. A unit can be swapped out beforehand with another unit in reserve. Some units may not be used due to special limiters present on the battlefield and players are recommended to swap them out to still have access to a full squad during a battle.
Combat is a major part of the game and is important for the player if they wish to advance in the game. Many things can influence the events of a battle and can possibly change the outcome completely.
Main article: Environments
Environments are the terrain, weather, and time of day the battle is taking place in. The terrain causes changes to the player's starting deploy credits count and the generation of deploy credits and differ from biome to biome. In all terrain types except for the city, extreme weather may be present, preventing the player from deploying units of a certain type.
- Arid - A battlefield in a desert. Disables infantry when extreme weather is present.
- Mountains - A battlefield in snowy mountains. Disables recon when extreme weather is present.
- Swamp - A battlefield in a swamp. Disables tanks when extreme weather is present.
- Plains - A battlefield in lush grass plains. Disables air units when extreme weather is present.
- City - A battlefield in a mostly destroyed city. Currently has no extreme weather.
Deploy Credits[]
Deploy credits are used to deploy units during a battle and are generated over time. The player can see how much credits they currently have at the top-center area of the screen with two circles. These two circles are related to how fast deploy credits are generated and can have different behaviors depending on the environment. The inner-circle will gradually fill as time passes, adding another section to the outer-circle and reset when filled. The generation rate of deploy credits increases as more sections are added.
Battle Timer[]
In every battle the player participates in, a time limit of 3 minutes is imposed. The player needs to be able to win within this time limit and a loss is incurred if the player fails to defeat their foe. The timer can be found at the top of the minimap near the bottom right corner of the screen. At 30 seconds or less, the timer turns yellow, urging the player to speed things up. At 10 seconds or less, the timer turns red, warning the player that a loss is imminent unless they can destroy the enemy base very quickly. Note that in the case of visual lag due to large amounts of explosions on the screen such as the ones caused by the Archon or Astro, the timer will continue counting down normally despite the battlefield lagging out and time within the battlefield is moving much slower. Although it is counter-intuitive, the battle does not end immediately when the timer hits zero seconds. Rather, the loss is given to the player a full second after the timer has run out. This means it's not too uncommon to win a battle with zero seconds on the clock.
PVP vs. PVE[]
There are a few differences between a battle against another player's squad and battling against an AI character. When fighting another player, the pause button is disabled (though there are ways to pause without using the pause button). Additionally, the battle timer will count down as soon as the battle is initiated, meaning if the player is stuck at the loading screen for a longer time than usual due to connection issues, they will find that they have less time on the timer than usual, sometimes instantly causing a loss due to starting the battle with no time left on the timer. One last difference is that if the player runs out of time against an AI character, the player has the option to spend 10 gold to extend the battle for another 30 seconds. Against another player, the battle is instantly over and counted as a loss.
Main article: Unit Ability
Unit abilities are special actions that units can perform during a battle to shift the tides more towards the player's side. There are 2 types of abilities, active and passive. Offense abilities activate only when attacking enemies while passive abilities activate when something happens to the player's units. Like units, abilities can be upgraded to become better using thorium and oil.
- Critical Strike - Extra damage is dealt.
- Poison - Extra damage is dealt over time.
- Explosive Rounds - Attack does splash damage to nearby enemies.
- Weaken - Reduce enemy unit damage output.
- Stun - Stun enemy unit, causing them to stop attacking and moving.
- Blind - Obscure enemy unit's vision, causing their attacks to miss but does not hamper movement.
- Strengthen - Unit deals increased damage.
- Ricochet - Attack bounces to other nearby enemies.
- Deterrence - Drain enemy deploy credits when killing an enemy unit of a certain type.
- Credit Drain - Drain enemy deploy credits when attacking the enemy base.
- Block - Enemy attack does nothing. Does not block artillery shots.
- Anti-Missile Ray - Blocks artillery shots specifically.
- Armor - Reduces all incoming damage for a short amount of time.
- Explosive Mine - Drop a mine upon death that damages enemy units when triggered.
- Stun Mine - Drop a mine upon death that stuns enemy units when triggered.
- Smoke Mine - Drop a mine upon death that blinds enemy units when triggered.
- Explode Revenge - Damage all enemy units in range upon death.
- Stun Revenge - Stun all enemy units in range upon death.
- Blind Revenge - Blind all enemy units in range upon death.
- Frenzy* - Become strengthened when hit.
- Heal - Restore health to all friendly units on the battlefield upon deploy.
- Shield - Give all friendly units on the battlefield a damage-absorbing shield upon deploy.
- Deploy Discount - Reduce the unit's recharge time upon death.
- Death Refund - Grant deploy credits upon death.
- Ordinance - Spawn 3 missiles that deal damage upon deploy.
- Bounty - Grant deploy credits when getting hit by an enemy unit of a certain type.**
*Frenzy is also called strengthen in the game. Due to different trigger conditions, this wiki calls it frenzy in order to differentiate from the strengthen that triggers upon killing an enemy.
**Currently either bugged or description in-game is wrong. Supposed to be a chance to activate when killing an enemy unit of a certain type, not when getting hit by one.
Main article: Tech
Tech are items that can be installed on units to give them a boost in a certain stat. Tech comes in 5 levels, each providing a bigger boost than lower levels.
- Ammo - Increases damage.
- Platings - Increases defense.
- Loaders - Increases fire rate.
- Sights - Increases range.
- Thrusters - Increases speed.
- VS ammo - Increases manufacturer boost.
Manufacturer Boost[]
Main article: Unit Manufacturer
When a unit attacks an enemy unit of the type the unit counters, the unit deals extra damage. This extra damage is dependent on the unit's current rank and can be increased with tech. Bonus damage from manufacturer boosts also applies to several damage-altering abilities.
Defense Towers[]
Main article: Defense Yard
Defense towers are special buildings that can be installed on the player's base. Each tower has its own way of supporting the player during battle and can be upgraded to become better at their functions. The base can support up to 6 towers. Up to 4 of the same kind of tower can be built and installed at the same time.
- Bunker - Absorbs more damage than other towers.
- Cannon Tower - Deals damage by shooting. Increased damage against recon.
- Satellite Link - Increases starting deploy credits.
- Anti-Air Tower - Deals damage by shooting. Increased damage against air. Slightly shorter range than other shooting towers. Deals the most damage along with rocket towers.
- Garrison - Reduces infantry deploy costs.
- Motorpool - Reduces recon deploy costs.
- Sniper Tower - Deals damage by shooting. Increased damage against infantry. Farther range than other shooting towers. Deals the least damage.
- Tank Depot - Reduces tank deploy costs.
- ATC - Reduces air deploy costs.
- Rocket Tower - Deals damage by shooting. Increased damage against tanks. Deals the most damage along with anti-air towers.
Special Battles[]
Main articles: Onslaught, Flashpoint
Sometimes, a battle is subject to special rules that change how the battle is fought. In an onslaught style battle, any units used in previous battles cannot be used again, requiring the player not only to have powerful units but have plentiful amounts of units as well. In a flashpoint mission, only units from a certain manufacturer can be used. Enemy squads are also only composed of a single unit type that is weak against the allowed manufacturer.
Buildings are structures found in the player's base that performs various tasks or grants access to special battles with special rewards. Like units, buildings can be upgraded to become better and grant better benefits to the player. In order to encourage players to upgrade all parts of their base, several buildings require another building to upgraded first before being able to be upgraded themselves. The level of the command center is the maximum all other buildings can be upgraded to and require different buildings to be upgraded each time.
Main article: Machine Shop
Crafting allows the player to construct new units for their army using cash after gathering enough unit parts. The player can also create rank medals using parts found in onslaughts that can be used to help promote other units. Crafting is also the only way to obtain natural 6-star units without having to finish first place in a weekly event.
Main article: Research Lab
Research can help the player by providing building upgrade boosts and slightly reducing unit deploy costs. All research is done in the research lab and uses oil. As the player upgrades the lab, more advanced projects appear providing better boosts at the cost of more oil.
Main article: Alliance
Alliances are groups that can be created or joined to ally with other players and have easier methods of interacting with them. Alliance members have access to a unique alliance chat in which messages sent can only be seen by other alliance members, allowing discussion of strategies or other important topics in secret without having to broadcast messages in global chat. Being a member of an alliance is required to participate in most events. As an alliance, all members contribute points towards the alliance's rank in the event and compete with other alliances for rare event units.
Main article: Leagues
Leagues are methods in which alliances and players themselves can show off how powerful they are and how many battles they can win. Currently, there are 2 types of leagues. One is based on an entire alliance's efforts and the other is based on the player's own efforts. At the end of each league, scores are evaluated and players or alliances may be promoted or demoted to a different league tier based on performance. Leagues are also the source of daily rewards as long as a league is active.
Resources and Raids[]
Main article: Resources
There are several kinds of resources in the game of varying rarity and uses. Some can be stolen, others can be won in an event, but properly managing when and where they are used is crucial to efficient growth.
- Cash - Used for upgrading units, tech, and buildings as well as crafting and black market purchases. Can be obtained from banks, raids, and various other battles. Stored in the vault with a maximum limit and is vulnerable to being taken in a raid by another player if too much is left unused in storage.
- Oil - Used for research, upgrading unit abilities, and recycling unit parts. Can be obtained from oil derricks and raids. Stored in the oil silo with a maximum limit and is vulnerable to being taken in a raid by another player if too much is left unused in storage.
- Scrap - Used for upgrading units. Can be obtained through various battles, as a reward for various reasons, purchased from the black market, or scrapping units.
- Key fragment - Used to open campaign and raid chests. Can be obtained through campaign and raid battles respectively or as a reward from events.
- Thorium - Used to upgrade unit abilities. Can be obtained as a reward from events and leagues, purchased on the black market, granted by the free chest, or from flashpoint battles.
- Dark metal - Used to craft natural 6-star units. Can be obtained as a reward from events, raid leagues, and completing epic campaign battles for the first time.
- Gold - Used to craft natural 6-star units, open chests that contain natural 5-star units, instantly finish an ongoing operation, restores energy and intel, or fills in missing cash or oil needed for something. Can be obtained through purchase with real money, daily missions, completing a campaign chapter, leveling up, recycling unit parts, and other alliance members making a purchase.
When raiding another player, the rewards of a successful raid is displayed at the bottom, letting the player decide if the raid is worth the battle against the defending squad. If the rewards are undesirable or the defense is too difficult, the player can refresh using cash for another opponent. The cost starts at 1,000 cash and doubles for every refresh without a battle, capping at 4 million cash per refresh. Once a raid battle is initiated, the refresh cost is reset. If two minutes pass without a decision from the player, the enemy squad escapes and the player can find another opponent for free. The results of the raid will also affect the player's raid league score, encouraging players to maximize their chance of victory in raids if the competition within their league is close.
Main article: Recycling Plant
If the player has an excess of oil and unit parts, both can be used to generate valuable gold. The recycling plant must be upgraded in order to increase the amount of recycles the player can perform every 24 hours and decrease oil costs for recycle operations. The plant can only handle 2-star parts from the start and research must be performed in order to recycle higher-rank unit parts. Less unit parts are needed for higher-rank parts and generates more gold per recycle, but also require more oil.
The Black Market[]
Main article: Black Market
A place where various goods are sold, the black market offers a semi-steady, though inconsistent source of tech and scrap that can be used to grow the player's units for cash. The market also offers various unit parts for gold, allowing players to fill in that last missing part to craft a unit and may sometimes offer multiple parts in a single offer for a more expensive price. Units themselves can also be bought (non-event natural 3-stars or lower) using gold if the player wants a certain unit but cannot acquire it. Rarely, thorium can be bought using gold as well. Offers rotate every 6 hours and are randomly generated.